Friday, March 27, 2009

An evening with DADDY @ ECP

Daddy came home early after work today and brought us to ECP Playground for dinner @ Sushi Teh, after dinner we went for a stroll at the beach. Weather was pretty humid today, but little princess enjoyed her ride at the tricycle though.. Been a while since we last came with daddy to ECP as he is always busy with work, if not will be too tired from work and just want to laze around at home. As Megan grows older, very hard to make her smile on camera... Both mum and myself, shout, act like a clown also dosen make Megan smile :( Am really looking forward to her Birthday Bash next week and our 1st holiday with Megan.. Will be fun!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Megan's New TOY

Daddy bought Megan a new toy last Friday but we only manged to open it up today. She was so happy and excited with it and couldn't let go of what she was holding. As she love Monkey, there was a wooden block with monkey print on it. She keep shouting for us to take it out for her, but too bad, is fixed permanently there. Hahaha!! So funny when she couldn't get it out as her expression was hilarious. We know what she want to do with it ..... " Put in her Mouth " as usual. Daddy was very happy knowing what he bought was appreciated by her darling daughter and seen proud about himself... Crazy man!! Hope this new toy will keep her entertain for a while as you know babies get bore with their toys pretty fast... hahaha!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Getting ready for GUG class

While dressing Megan up for class at GUG today, i thought maybe try out my new Canon camera :p and the result turned of fantastic. In fact was so much better than my Casio Ex slim... I am happy with this new camera (",) I had served notice to terminate Megan's class and the last lesson will be 22/04/09. Suddenly feel abit sad as recently met some nice mummies there... But David feels that we shouldn't go to GUG as they are not really flexible in terms of MC, fees etc... So whatever paying master said, we have to follow right? hahaha!! Still looking around for a replacement, likely will go to Julia Gabriel.. will try their trial class first before i decide then.
After Megan's class, drove mum to NUH for her medical appointment. She has piles and already in her 3rd stage. Have to undergo surgery to remove them if not will always cause her pain and bleeding when doing her business. Arranged on the 15/04/09 as it takes 1-2weeks to recover after the ops and our Taiwan trip is 7-12April... Better to do it after the trip i reckon. During that recovering week, mum cant carry heavy stuffs.. which means cannot carry Megan for at least 2weeks... Megan going to miss Po Po carrying her... heehee!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Buffet Lunch @ YORK Hotel

Went buffet lunch @ York Hotel with Mum, Angeline and Sharon this afternoon. Overall the foods were nice but feel the price is abit high for those food served.. They have char kway teow, fried oyster, prawn noodles, penang laska, penang rojak, kway teow soup, lor bak, ban chang kueh, ice kachang and chendol... Very local penang foods. My favorite is ban chang kueh, nice and crispy and i think i had more than 8 pieces in total... haha!! Megan enjoyed herself there and we enjoyed as she was so well behaved. Mum gave her some kway teow but of cos washed in warm water and she loved it. After lunch, we walked to Takashimaya as we were too full... and Megan KO in her stroller.. hehehe!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Daiso IMM

Today brought Megan for her 1st MRT ride... We travelled from Eunos to Jurong East station. Been a while since i last take a ride on the train. The experience for Megan and me were great, only bad point is the crowd. Angeline pick us up from Jurong East station and we went IMM for lunch and Daiso to find ideas for Megan's 1st Birthday Bash... Yet to come out with anything but roughly have things i want to do for her special day. Have to get started by next week as not much time left. Megan made so much fuss in her stroller so put her on the basket and push her around... Only last 10mins, next moment she wants to stand in the basket!! *Faintz* We went for Iris and Weiwen baby shower in the evening and Baby Hillary look difference again.. Seeing Hillary, make me miss Megan at that age... :p

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Megan Art Work @ GUG

Megan have being attending classes at Growing Up Gifted even since she was 8months old. These are the art work she done over time.. only let her do them after a few lessons as i am worried about the paints and stuffs. Even till date, i am very careful when her when she doing these art work and she still putting stuffs in her mouth... Sighz! I am looking for alternative enrichment class for her as i feel GUG are not really flexible in term of their rules and stuffs. But they are good in their ways and Megan do enjoy every lessons she attended. Shall see i can find something as good, if not i shall convince David to cont' putting Megan there.

My Sweet Little Princess

Time flies, my little princess Turing 1 in a month time. She has grow so much from a premature baby that weights 2.20kg to now 8.27kg and from 46cm to now 73cm. She is such a joy to all of us and with her around, there are sure laughter that makes all of us happy. She is my miracle and i thank GOD for giving her to me as i finally have my own baby to love and care for. Never regret what i been thru as is all worth it seeing her growing healthy day by day. She will crawl to my room every morning shouting from me to wake up and watch tv with her, she will lay my my tummy and chest and pat pat me when i say to her " Sayang Mommy, Megan "... and many many more. My biggest hope for Megan is to hope she lead a happy life and being successful in whatever she pursue... :)

Megan in ACTION

Promised to capture Megan in "POO" action and there she is!! Can even read her bubble book while pooing!! * Faintz * She has successfully poo on her potty these few days and we are very pleased about it. Maybe by doing this, daddy might save some $$ on diapers... hahaha!! Pooing in the potty is a good thing but cleaning the potty is no joke. Is so SMELLY!! Whenever Megan poo on her diapers, i always shout for mum or David, but this time they made me cleaned her first poo in the potty. I nearly puke out my dinner and in fact it actually reaches my throat. Is that smelly!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Potty Training for Megan

My darling princess finally successed in doing her " big business " in her pink potty this evening. All of us were so happy and we clapped and praised her when she finishes. She gave us that proud look... LOL!! Cant stand her. I bought this potty when she was 6months old and finally today she did it. Good girl!! Before she only manage to wee wee in the potty and now... cant express how proud i am as a mummy :) As this happened too fast and have to assist her wz her pooing, i dint have chance to capture her act in pictures. Will try to take some pictures next time while she poo poo... heehee!! Also today, i finally spot her upper pearlies popping out from her gum, still not very obvious yet. No wonder she been drooling so much recently.. Now i know why :)